Saturday, 14 July 2012

Tattoos never been more popular today

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tattoo designs

Have you noticed that it seems that every second person these days is proudly showing their tattoos. You have the traditional older guys who have been wearing tattoos for ages as well as young women and men who have just started on their 'tattoo collection'. The trend seems to be growing so rapidly that new Tattoo Parlours are opening up almost on a daily basis. It would be fair to say that today tattoos are more popular than during the Second World War years when tattoos became the fashion amongst the armed services.
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tattoo designs

While it is just great seeing so many people wearing tattoos, particularly the young tattoo devotees, it is important that the potential wearer gives the subject some serious thought. It is imperative that if you are considering getting a tattoo that you take your time and put some serious thought into which tattoo design you are going to choose and, importantly, where you intend to put the tattoo.

A tattoo will become a permanent feature on your body so you must make absolutely sure that you choose tattoo designs that are going to look good and suit your own particular lifestyle and beliefs. You are going to have to be satisfied with your design and not get bored with it in the future.
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tattoo designs for men

Where Do You Source Tattoo Ideas?

There are simply so many different tattoo design options available that it would be impossible to catalog every one. You can either choose to go with one that has already been created, or you can literally start from scratch and design your very own tattoo. The majority of tattoo studios even allow you to work one-on-one with the tattoo artist so that together you can create the perfect design for you.
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tattoo designs for women

In my opinion creating your own individual design is the best option because what you end up having etched on your body will be personalized with a particular significance and meaning to you. You will also be less likely to tire of it in the future compared to a tattoo that has no particular significance other than you thought it was 'cool' when you had the tattoo done.

If, however, you are more interested in finding a design that has already been created, then you have unlimited options as there are literally tens of thousands of fantastic websites that you can visit and browse through their galleries until you find a tattoo design that you fall in love with.
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One top website devoted to creative tattoo designs is Tattoo Johnny. Their gallery feature some of the world's most popular and inspiring designs. One of the best features of Tattoo Johnny's website is it allows you to pay for your chosen designs and print them off in full size. You can then head off to your local tattoo studio where they can use that exact print to produce your tattoo. This means that you will be getting exactly what you want and know what it is going to look like before you even venture into the tattoo studio.

Another brilliant online tattoo shop is the Bullseye Tattoo Company. They are universally regarded as having an incredibly large and varied selection of tattoo designs available for purchase and download. Again you can visit their website where you can browse through literally thousands of original tattoo designs from a compilation of different well known and creative artists and then buy and print off the ones that you like best.
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Choosing Tattoo Designs

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tattoo designs

One of the most regretted tattoo designs a person can get is the name of their sweetheart etched onto their body. Some people will hear the horror stories about selecting such a tattoo design and will still request this kind of body art, but just think of how it feels to cut ties with the one you love and all you have left is a tattoo design in bold colors and expressive design to remind you every day of the former love of your life? It doesn't sound too appetizing, does it? In this case, it is suggested to consider a temporary tattoo design, which allows you to display their name on your body without causing a permanent the tattoo design.

One of the most important items to remember is that a tattoo design is here to stay unless you decide to painfully remove it. Now, I bet you already recognize this fact, but stop and take a moment to think. Ten-...twenty-...twenty-five years from now, will you be happy with the tattoo design you have selected? While something might be appealing one day or year, you may grow to despise it with a passion a couple years into the future. So, think about the tattoo design you want before you get a permanent mark on your body. Choose a tattoo design that will mean something to you for many years to come.
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tattoo designs
When choosing a tattoo designs, take your time. Tattoo parlors will have many different publications and displays that will help you make a final decision. It is recommended to seek out a tattoo design that states something about you or represents a belief that you stand for. This helps you select the best kind of tattoo that will also produce long-lasting sentiments. It is also important to look for a decent tattoo design over the Internet. Many people have "Googled" in the words, "tattoo designs" and received thousands of solid ideas. Once you find a design you like, print it out to show the artist who will be responsible for your work of art.

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tattoo designs for men

An online tattoo design is placed into one of two categories:

1) Stock or Flash 2) Custom-made

Often times, you will locate a great example of a flash tattoo design, which are usually on display at the tattoo parlor. Some are old standbys, such as hearts, flaming skulls, anchors, dragons, and roses. You can also choose a custom tattoo design that an artist may offer, which is often completed for a flat fee. A custom tattoo design can also be created (or requested) by you, which is then discussed with the tattoo artist. Some people draw their own or enlist the help of a friend. Others will dictate their wishes to the artist, as they create a final sketch for you to finalize in the end. After all, the artist usually tweaks a tattoo design anyways when they create an outline. Once the preliminary sketches are complete for your design, you can check it over to make sure this is what you really want. If not, the artist can start anew - shaping your tattoo design into a masterpiece you can be proud of.
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Get a Unique Custom Tattoo Design

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tattoo designs

Recently it was reported that tattoo related terms received more searches per month then most adult related keywords. This has spawned a huge growth of websites selling flash tattoo designs. You can go and visit these sites and for $10 or so find a tattoo design. You can then download this design and take it to your local tattoo parlor and get a new tattoo.

Well, for many this has become the Achilles heel so to speak of the tattoo art industry. Buying tattoos this way is definitely contrary to the main reasons people get tattoos. Tattoos and the tattoo industry has always held that tattoo art was the last bastion of personal expression and freedom in America. You see most tattoo enthusiast feel that the tattoo they get are very uniquely theirs and a tattoo, being something you have to live with for a long time, should say something about yourself. So these huge flash tattoo sites come along and sell thousands of the same tattoo to people. These same people go to their local tattoo parlor and get a new tattoo and soon they are sporting it around town feeling proud to assert their individuality. However in reality they have just copied a bunch of other people and probably ended up with a tattoo that says nothing interesting or unique about them. They just bought the design because it was popular.
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tattoo designs

The other sad part of this phenomena is that most tattoo artists are on the losing end of the proposition. The big websites that sell tons of designs often have had some graphic designer just create a bunch of low quality tattoo designs to sell. The designer was not even a tattoo artist in the first place. However, the tattoo artists out there are now losing tons of business to these larger companies. That is not to say all tattoo sites selling tattoo designs online are doing this. Of course there are some that have taken this into consideration have have worked hard to value the artists for their original ideas and work.
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tattoo designs for men

However it still leaves the tattoo enthusiast who just got the same tattoo as thousands of other people out in the dark. Think about what is going to happen when that person is at a concert of some large public event and a guy comes up to him and says, :hey cool man nice tat." The guy turns and the notices that the speaker is sporting the same exact tattoo. Here he thought he was unique and individual and doing something really cool. What is one to say in that kind of situation? Other then start looking at all the tattoo removal adds online there is not really much.
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tattoo designs for women

It is for these exact reasons that a few websites have started popping up on the internet that have solved these basic problems. At the time of this writing there are in fact only two sites on the internet that have effectively dealt with both of these problems. They are custom designed freelance tattoo art websites. That is kind of a mouthful so I will explain what each of those terms means. It means that a person wanting a unique tattoo design can go to the site and post a job. Then tattoo artists from around the globe can come and bid on the job to design a great custom tattoo to the individuals specifications.

This is really the best of all worlds as it encourages tattoo artists and pays them fairly for their abilities and skills. It also create a unique tattoo to the exact specifications and desires of the person getting the tattoo done. It is a really great way to solve the problem and these sites have had a high rate of customer satisfaction and repeat business from both the tattoo artists and the tattoo enthusiast.
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Tattoo Design Trends

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tattoo designs

If there's one thing that tattoo enthusiasts hate about the tattoo industry, it is the inclination to the trends set forth by celebrities. Not that it's wrong to emulate their custom tattoo designs: but there are some people who think that just because celebrity X has a hot Marilyn Monroe tattoo on her thigh, getting that same tattoo on their thighs too will make them as gorgeous as their idol. As a result, there is no room for any creativity when a designer has to create a tattoo design for the client.

Today, people want to sport tattoos that look and feel different for the usual ones. They want designs that reflect who they truly are, what their typical personality traits are they also want to use their tattoos to signify an important event or a person very close to their heart.
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tattoo designs
Here are five hot custom tattoo trends that are sure to give you that "edge" that you have been looking for in a tattoo.

Japanese Tattoo designs - Hello Kitty doesn't qualify as a Japanese tattoo, nor are Dragon Ball and Samurai Ninja Gaiden characters considered to be Japanese designs. What we are talking about here are Japanese letters. For example; Janet Jackson has a few Japanese tattoos in her wrist and belly. The one in her belly reads "discipline" while the one on her wrist reads "respect and equality". Since Janet Jackson is a gay rights activist, she sure knows what she's talking about when she had imprinted what she's fighting for in her carpal tunnels.

Japanese characters are perfect for getting the values you believe in get alive in your skin. Through various custom tattoo sites, you may have tattoo designers modify the characters to be soft and feminine or bold and masculine.

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tattoo designs for men
Tribal - The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word tribal is the tribal dance. You can envision loud thumping noise along with wide and bold movements from the dancers garbed with tropical leaves and twigs while dancing around a bonfire.

Tribal tattoos have sharp edges, making them perfect for the nape and lower back. By creating a tribal tattoo design contest via any custom tattoo design site, you can receive hundreds of tribal tattoo interpretations based on your tattoo idea and personal preferences.

Celtic - Celtic tattoos are of European origin. These tattoos are usually composed of bold swirls and curls. Famous Celtic tattoo designs include armbands, clovers, and cross designs. If you would like to get hundreds of different take on your Celtic designs, just log on to any design contest site and create a design contest. Prize money awaits the tattoo designer's entry that is finally chosen as the winning design.

tattoo designs.  tattoo designs for women

tattoo designs for women

Hawaiian - Hawaiian tattoo designs are Polynesian in origin. Such tattoo art is composed of very heavy and intricate knot work. Only a few tattoo designers can execute Hawaiian designs perfectly.

Custom tattoo sites have hundreds of tattoo designers who can handle any Hawaiian knot work design. Hawaiian tattoo art for the female is expressed in various flower designs. Since Hawaii is the main source of almost all tropical flowers exported from the US, it is just fitting that Hawaiian women love imprinting flowers on their skins.

Butterfly - This colorful creature has an international appeal to it. There are also males who would like to get a butterfly's image tattooed on their skins. Despite its charm, butterfly tattoos have been so very common that such design doesn't attract that much attention anymore.
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Log on to the custom tattoo site of your choice and create a contest for the best butterfly tattoo. Try and provide the designers with unique ideas that can be incorporate into the design to make it more personalized and different. For example; an alphabet or a date that holds a special place in your life. In just two weeks, you will be able to view hundreds of butterfly tattoo interpretations. You will surely find one butterfly custom tattoo design that will stand out from the rest.
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Tips Tattoo Designs

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tattoo designs

If there is one question that comes to a person's mind when planning to have a tattoo done, it's how to find the best tattoo design. Many people wonder how some people manage to find designs that are unique, very impressive and look just perfect on the body.

Not long ago, the tattoo artists normally used a catalog of designs from which their clients would choose the best available tattoo. Many artists or tattoo studios still follow the same practice. In cases where the client is not able to make a choice, the artist may recommend the designs. In the catalog, one finds the most common designs, ranging from traditional alphabets to tribal designs. But these days, custom tattoo designs have become a real trend. So, tattoo artists have moved away from using their catalogs and have widened the choices for their clients.

Today, there are many online sources that offer great custom tattoo designs. Some are found in the galleries of popular designers, while some are available on tattoo websites. Choosing a great custom design is not easy, as there are virtually millions of great designs available online as well as at local tattoo shops.
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tattoo designs
So here are the top tips to keep in mind when choosing a custom tattoo design.

TIP #1: Choose the design and location of your tattoo.

The majority of tattoo artists create designs to fit and suit the part of the body on which the client wants the design tattooed. Choosing the location for a tattoo is therefore the first step in finding suitable tattoo designs. However, if you already have a design in mind, you can take the artist's opinion as to where on the body it can be best placed. Tattoos are meant to be with you for the rest of your life so, consider it as a lifetime decision. Be very sure about the tattoo design as well as the body part where you wish to have one tattooed.

tattoo designs.  tattoo designs for men

tattoo designs for men

TIP #2: Tattoos must reflect your personality.

Tattoo designs reflect your thoughts, your lifestyle as well as your individuality. Pick a design that says something special about you. For instance; many people get their kid's names tattooed on their body or a tattoo design dedicated to a significant person or event in their life. When it comes to personality, also take into consideration the factors like your job profile, work-place restrictions, religious affinity etc before choosing a design.

TIP #3: Consider the color factor.

Tattoos look great, especially during the design phase. Normally, the design appears very bright, especially on paper. The overall appeal of tattoos is their vivid colors. However, you need to bear in mind that tattoos are sure to fade over time. So, it is a good idea to choose a custom design with less color, but one that has an excellent overall appeal. If you're going for a dramatic color scheme in your tattoo design, make sure that you comply with the after-care instructions including regular re-coloring. Just like everything else in life, tattoos too require maintenance.
tattoo designs.  tattoo designs for women

tattoo designs for women
TIP #4: Choose the artist.

After the tattoo design, its details as well as the body part where it is going to be tattooed has been decided, the next challenge is choosing a skilled tattoo artist to create the magic. It is a very important and a tough decision to make. Remember, a tattoo design is only a part of the plan and you need an expert to execute the design well. Take your time in finding out the best tattoo artist available and be prepared to shell out some money as well, because the best tattoo artists come at a price. In most cases, you will have to pay for the design and the tattoo artist's fee separately.

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